Your guide


  • Traffic statistics

    Read the latest air traffic statistics at Genève Aéroport.

  • Newsletter

  • Extranet site of the airport

    Genève Aéroport provides active partners on the airport site with an extranet site that allows them to access various information related to the following topics:

    • Communication and information: press releases, institutional information, platform news, seasonal information for Genève Aéroport users and partners, etc.

    • Infrastructure: future projects, current achievements, requests for works, urgent intervention or troubleshooting requests, IT services, technical guidelines, specifications, energy, etc.

    • Safety Health Environnement: safety information and reminders on the platform, “Jet et Fodie”, current standards, Safety reports, environment, etc.

    • Operations: airport operations, operating procedures, important operational contacts, documentation of the Genève Aéroport Emergency Plan (PUR-GA).

    • Security: security awareness, incident reports, support requests, projects, standards, contact, etc.

    • Training: Apron permit, Runway Permit, RT Mechanics Certification, Fire Course, etc.

    • Airport life: airport events, staff mobility, promotional offers and discounts for employees, restaurant menus, sponsorship, etc.

     Access myGVAextranet (login required, site only in French)

  • Apron driving licence

    For safety reasons related to airport operations and to be allowed to drive a vehicle on the apron without being conveyed, all drivers must hold an Apron licence issued by Genève Aéroport.
    You will find more information (target audience, conditions, registration, etc.) on our extranet site (login required, site only in French).